Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fun for Kids in Milennia Mall

A few fun spots for the little one's in Mall of Milennia.
  • The fountain in the front (inside) between Brio and Cheesecake Factory.  This is a long low fountain with a small walkway (a bridge if you are under 5 years old!)  and long bench sides that make great seats.  Let the little ones walk around for a few minutes while you rest.  They'll love it.
  • Dylan's candy store in the lower mall entrance to Bloomingdales.  They have candy by the pound and other treats.  This is the most fun that kids can have for under $5 anywhere.
  • The food court.  Cookie samples at the cookie stand on the front right and lots of chicken samples everywhere.  Get a drink and you are done, you don't even need to eat...  Pre-teens love this.
  • Starbuck's in the center of the mall, one upstairs and one downstairs. If the line's not too long, you can get great homemade-style chocolate milk and hot cocoa.  Not for small kids, but great for older, pre-coffee children.
  • Truffles or candy bars at Lindt next to the food court upstairs. If your kids like chocolate, they will be happy to CHOOSE their favorite bar or truffle. Truffles are under $1. Great white and dark chocolate selections here, too. (Moms- Try the mint-infused dark chocolate bar.) Lindt stores are very child-friendly, especially near the holidays.  Not: Godiva is not.
  • For meals, Panera and the food court (upstairs in the center) are both cafeteria style, so no long waits for service.  If you want to sit down, Cheesecake Factory is nice and noisy, perfect for large parties with kids!

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